Portfolio: 20photos.ru

Published: 10.02.2020.

Портфолио: 20photos.ru

Photographer's website.

To make photos of different colors fit into the design

The background color ajust to the photo

Animated "logo"

To do this, we went to the photo studio with the author of the site. We took several photos from different angles. And I programmed them to change depending on the cursor position.

To make the photos in the list look natiral, I did

Scattered photos

When each photo is slightly shifted and slightly rotated.

To prevent the spread from repeating for a long time, I used a set of natural numbers (5, 7, 11). Which allowed only using CSS to make long list (up to 385 photos) in which the position of tach photos does not coinside with any other.

Scattered photos

Using relevantely little CSS code.

/* 5 x-axis offets */
.toc-item:nth-child(5n + 1) { left: -6px; }
.toc-item:nth-child(5n + 2) { left: 0px; }
.toc-item:nth-child(5n + 3) { left: -3px; }
.toc-item:nth-child(5n + 4) { left: 3px; }
.toc-item:nth-child(5n + 5) { left: 0px; }

/* 7 y-axis offsets */
.toc-item:nth-child(7n + 1) { top: 3px; }
.toc-item:nth-child(7n + 2) { top: 0px; }
.toc-item:nth-child(7n + 3) { top: 6px; }
.toc-item:nth-child(7n + 4) { top: -6px; }
.toc-item:nth-child(7n + 5) { top: 0px; }
.toc-item:nth-child(7n + 5) { top: -3px; }
.toc-item:nth-child(7n + 5) { top: -6px; }

/* 11 turns */
.toc-item:nth-child(11n + 1) { transform: rotate(0.5deg); }
.toc-item:nth-child(11n + 2) { transform: rotate(1deg); }
.toc-item:nth-child(11n + 3) { transform: rotate(-0.5deg); }
.toc-item:nth-child(11n + 4) { transform: rotate(-0.75deg); }
.toc-item:nth-child(11n + 5) { transform: rotate(-0.75deg); }
.toc-item:nth-child(11n + 6) { transform: rotate(0.3deg); }
.toc-item:nth-child(11n + 7) { transform: rotate(-0.3deg); }
.toc-item:nth-child(11n + 8) { transform: rotate(0.5deg); }
.toc-item:nth-child(11n + 9) { transform: rotate(-0.25deg); }
.toc-item:nth-child(11n + 10) {	transform: rotate(0.25deg); }
.toc-item:nth-child(11n + 11) { transform: rotate(-1deg); }

To cause some intrigue

Only some of the photos are in the list

The rest are inside the album.

Flipping through photos in the album

To make it easier, I made it possible to scroll in different ways.

In order not to distract visitors attention from the photos

I muted the social buttons

Muted social buttons

Mobile adaptation

Mobile menu

View the site: https://20photos.ru/

P.S. Another one of my projects

Mental maps for people, and even whole teams, who put their soul into their projects.

View mind map service IOctopus.online
