Portfolio: ladylux.ru

Published: 15 march 2025.

Портфолио: ladylux.ru

Online underwear store.



Mobile menu

Product catalog

Products are devided into sections. Each section has two collections: "Fasion" and "Classic".

Product photo gallery

Previews are positioned non-standard (vertically to the left of the large photo). At the same time, when you increase some photo, previews-block move to the edge of the screen. I wrote a script, because didn't find a suitable plugin.

The only thing is that I connected a plugin that magnifies the photo with mouse wheel.

Recently viewed products

Information about products is stored in the browser (localstorage) so that the server is not overloaded.

Recently viewed products

Simple order form

With the ability to attach files.

Product's shortcodes

Products can be easily inserted into any part of a page text using shortcodes.

In the admin panel:

Product's shortcodes in admin panel

On the website:

Product's on website

Search by product

View the site: https://ladylux.ru/

P.S. Another one of my projects

Mental maps for people, and even whole teams, who put their soul into their projects.

View mind map service IOctopus.online
