Portfolio: tuteta.ru

Published: 29.01.2020.

Портфолио: tuteta.ru

Infinite canvas for drawing and game

This is a infinity canvas

That can be moved in different directions and zoom. Like Google Maps.

Where you can

Dran in an ampty place

More than 2 million squares have already been drawn.

You can

Draw together

You can make

Moving drawnings

You can

Create and play a games

There are also


And the rating

Technologies: JavaScript, Canvas, Node, Express, Socket.io, Pixi.js.

The site is made from scratch.

Yes, a little off-profile site. Not a landing page, not busines site, not WordPress.

But I think to some extent it's about skills.

View the site (not on your phone, on you computer): https://tuteta.ru/

P.S. Another one of my projects

Mental maps for people, and even whole teams, who put their soul into their projects.

View mind map service IOctopus.online
